Interesting how Indiana talks about being financially transparent with the rainy day fund. Yet localities in Indiana are lacking money to fix locally taxed property and fix their local county projects such as local roads and bridges. Lawrence County is no exception to this with one commissioner stating that the county had no money for snow removal in a previous winter. Not to mention the county didn't have the funding nor the money to fix area county and local roads. Which is a prime function of government. Although they did have the money to provide more officers and more money for the local police department and sheriff department.
Always seems that they have money to help out the people who are protecting their asses from ever being brought to jail and prosecuted for their crimes against the citizenry. Not to mention all of the drugs and heroin/meth that is regularly being found in Lawrence County that was more than likely known about for years and brought into Lawrence County with the assistance of some highly placed prominent people in the community.
Wonder why Lawrence County is overrun by meth and heroin? Because the powers that be wish it that way because its more money for the law enforcement community, bigger jails for the inmates in charge to run while they run roughshod over the local community. These officials are not public servants in the slightest but are nothing more than vampires feasting off the blood of the taxpayers and the public which pays their salaries, court costs, and other government funded shakedowns of the taxpayers.
WISH 8 has a nice article here for some of the counties of Central Indiana. I am sure they would like information about Bedford, Indiana and Lawrence County sent to their news department. I think it would make a great story to start cracking down on public corruption in Lawrence County but also other neighboring counties such as Orange, Martin, Washington, Greene, etc.
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