Small towns have certain quality of life advantages over many metropolitan and larger areas and there's nothing wrong with small town life when its properly adjusted to the realities that we all face as citizens. Having lived in both a much larger city and small towns before, I've had the opportunity to live in both small towns and small cities and then of course a couple of major metro areas.
That being said, the good old boy culture in many small towns is a big problem and in places like Bedford, Indiana and Lawrence County, Indiana it crosses the line when it involves public corruption but done behind the scenes by a group of people that are often working in concert with each other to extend their favors, nepotism, and downright ripping off the public.
Lawrence County has a long history of corrupt public officials being able to get away with their public corruption and only in a fraction of cases has anyone ever been prosecuted and sent away to the slammer. From corrupt sheriffs to corrupt state government officials and even corrupt Indiana respresentatives, Lawrence County has had them all over the past few decades.
What might not be known by the mass of contituents is the blatant violations of the law and Indiana Open Door records laws where the people are kept blind to what is going on behind the scenes. Add in the known drug problems that wrack our communities in South Central Indiana and how a local group of syndicate legal eagles are involved in such activities but the truth is always kept under cover. Just as long as they can continue to receive their ill gotten gains while flooding our towns such as Bedford, Mitchell, Paoli, Salem and many others with their drugs that the criminal cabal can continue its activities.
One might say that those are damning statements being made about some of our so called community luminaries and so called leaders who we should all be looking up to. Well, the goal of this site is to make people question the police, question the judges, and question what the hell is going on in your community. These drugs didn't end up in Bedford, Mitchell, Paoli, Salem and other towns in this area because a bunch of people just decided to deal drugs in the community among the smaller time criminal class. These drugs were undoubtedly brought in and imported by the people in the know and with aims of enriching themselves while the user ends up destroying their lives and the life of their families and friends.
Wonder why all these drugs hit the United States of America in waves and how something like methamphetamines or heroin hits the streets in your local small town without nary a peep of who is importing such drugs. This isn't some small time dealer bringing in the garbage from Mexico, Burma, Afghanistan, Colombia or one of the other drug spots in the world where heroin, meth, cocaine and other drugs are readily produced.
Opium has been around as long as poppy fields have been cultivated around the world even in China, SE Asia, Afghanistan, etc. However, only in the last 40 to 50 years has it ever shown up in the United States and it was imported in back in the 60s and 70s by crooked government agents, Air America, and other underhanded and crooked outfits.
The same goes for Meth though it has much in the way of domestically produced trash that people are involved in and get hooked on. The good old boy politicians talk about getting rid of the drug problem but the truth is that they profit from the system of drug distribution, the prison industrial complex, and hiring excessive numbers of police officers, sheriffs deputies, jailers, administration, judges, and the like. It keeps people employed by the system and justifies having a huge tax base to fund their jails and new projects which helps the local sheriff and police chief shine their office chair with their overinflated ego and equally large rear end.
Its been well known that the local drug syndicate has been located in towns such as Bedford etc over the past several decades at least back to the eighties and nineties. Despite millions to tens of milliions of dollars of busts, hundreds of convictions, jail time, drug intervention programs, it continues to be a huge problem. Not just because people decide to abuse drugs but because for the pushers and those turning their heads its a lucrative and enterprise where the good old boys can make extra money.
Add in their dependence on state and government grants reaching into the tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands a year, they wouldn't want all of that money to just go away. Otherwise, the system would be even more strapped where the law enforcement could actually about prosecuting real crimes such as domestic violence, theft, burglary, murders. Even to the point they might actually get serious about busting known politicians and legal eagles in the system.
After all, how many times has a past sheriff in Lawrence County ended up having to leave office in disgrace because of criminal activity under his watch. Much less people ending up behind bars for their criminal behavior. Its time to start policing the police and policing the system including all of the crooked fake Christian small town good old boys.