Friday, November 3, 2017

Radius Indiana and Taxpayer Funds

It might be noted that I've been quite critical of public boards which receive taxpayer dollars for economic development. Especially when they have received taxpayer dollars for economic development that essentially comes to naught. The only thing that many of these local small town boards in places like Bedford, Salem, Paoli, Shoals and the like is giving out good well paying jobs for their employees of said organization. Which the taxpayers end up subsidizing or better yet in many cases pay the entire footing of the bill.

Yet, despite all of this money that is handed out freely by the state of Indiana and the local governments nothing of substance ever comes to fruition toward creating hundreds of good paying jobs in every community if not the thousands that are needed in places around the state of Indiana. Just another government transfer the wealth scheme is what this public private partnerships are when they receive government funding from the taxpayers and that money goes into the hands of a few well placed invididuals with the proper community connections if you get my point.

It interesting to note that our regional economic development boards and agencies have spent years and years worth of money they get from the state of Indiana yet have nothing of substance to show for their efforts other than a few dozen low wage retail and service industry jobs in most towns. No real plant expansions, no real development except for the occasional small businesses that are able to make it go in the real world.

All while these county boards and county economic growth boards only exist on paper and paying the salaries of wages of people that polish their nails on the job, read the newspaper, and do essentially nothing of real value that would make their counties and cities a marketable commodity that people and businesses would be interested in this here talks about one of our local Southern Indiana Not For Profit government assisted agencies. None other than Bedford based Radius.

Quite an interesting read and wonder how many employees are getting some big bucks for doing nothing. All at taxpayer expense as well.

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