Yes, I did say that Lawrence County, Indiana government officials many of which are total nitwits end up comprising a county government that is full of nitwits from the top to the bottom. Why do I say such mean, nasty and hurtful things to the damaged psyche of our public officials and many in the community at large? Would it be out of meanness and spitefulness? Nope. Would be because I've got a personal vendetta against one or more persons in Lawrence County government because of some minor issue? Nope not that either. Then why?
The problem is staring most thinking and reasonable people in the face that actually will have ears to hear and eyes to see and actually pay attention to the rot that exists in much of South Central Indiana. Including surrounding counties that have such crooked government bodies full of morally debased cadavers that they could qualify as being mortuaries just with people sitting up right in their chairs at government meetings or in their day to day affairs running a government that is largely incompetent and often worse in that its also chock full of people doing the wrong things under US Code of Federal Regulations as well as the Indiana Code and various other local laws.
It's kind of like the recent cyber hacking issue that came up with Lawrence County government computers and systems being hacked by some unknown as of yet intruder that was able to not only access all kinds of government records for Lawrence County, Indiana but also personal information of various people who either have had legal issues, court records, personal records that shouldn't be able to be hacked by just any computer hacker sitting anywhere. So much for local Indiana governments such as Lawrence County having data security and security over the personal information of their taxpayers as well as all citizens. That goes for everyone being violated because LAWRENCE COUNTY officials have their heads planted firmly up their asses to the point that they could barely run a county government or any other local body of government.
One has to wonder how such snafus and incompetence can go unanswered for years and years in a county government without someone at the state level in Indiana conducting investigations into local governments. Is it because at the state level the State Of Indiana doesn't really give a hoot and a shit about local issues and local governments as long as the State Department of Revenue keeps getting their loot from Indiana businesses and taxpayers.
Lawrence County has long been a hotbed of political corruption from having past sheriffs involved in criminal activity and sent to jail for such to having employees of the police departments in Lawrence County in Bedford and Mitchell being sent packing or worse to jail for criminal violations of the law. That's just the ones that you hear about that someone wishes to make a stink about regarding crooked government including criminal police agencies.
Seems that the Seymour Police Department and City of Seymour was just involved in a police scandal where the former retired police chief was taking ghost employment among other things and another officer is doing more corrupt things as well. Too bad that the Indiana State Police in Versailles is out of the jurisdictional area of Lawrence County since their region of purview involves as far west as Jackson County. Then again, seeing as they are state police maybe they need to start an investigation and start looking at Lawrence County along with various other entities in Southern Indiana including Paoli and Orange County as well as Salem in Washington County and a few other police departments and local sheriffs departments that have more than a few skeletons in their own closets.
You've got a county government in Lawrence County that can't even secure the data of its stakeholders, residents, taxpayers and overall citizens when they can't even secure their own computer network much less keep the phone lines in working order as they were knocked out in the latest hacking attempt. I would venture to guess based on professional expertise that this wasn't the first time that they've actually be hacked but the first time that it was so severe that they couldn't sweep it under the rug and keep it out of the public view. One has to wonder the type of information security protocols and data security that these local yokels actually practice to keep unauthorized people out of authorized areas including not giving them the ability to access critical data not only for the county but also those in the court systems having cases along with personal data that they don't want spread all over the world for anyone to see.
It wouldn't be that hard for a hacker to obtain personal data of someone in the court systems or child protective services and other governmental issues to have their information spread far and wide for things that shouldn't be public knowledge because a bunch of nitwits and buffoons run the local police departments, county government and various offices in that county government. I wonder who is going to be held responsible for such lack of common sense and ability to control data. Of course as usual they'll brush it off on someone else and no one will ever take accountability nor anyone being held accountable because in Lawrence County that is what they do.
It's their modus operandi that government incompetence as well as government corruption will not be investigated or investigated so badly that it renders the crooks and criminals the ability to basically govern themselves and cover up their own criminal intent. That's the modus operandi of Lawrence County Government as well as the cities of Bedford and Mitchell which cover up all kinds of crooked backroom political deals and then say that they don't do anything against the rules or the laws of Indiana. How laughable that no one is there to police government officials in Lawrence County and much other counties in South Central Indiana.
Outside of a few Bedford residents that call out the political and government corruption like Samuel Shaw there isn't enough investigations of the Lawrence County syndicate as one of the locals would call Bedford, Indiana government and local officials. Even more laughable is letting these local yokels actually investigate themselves which is tantamount to letting a fox guard a chicken house.
But that is what you get when you have a county government and political apparatus in Lawrence County and Bedford (Methford) Indiana largely comprised of mentally challenged supposedly adult aged nitwits, incompetents and nincompoops.
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