Friday, November 3, 2017

Uh oh, Mayor Big Smile Won't Like This

Sound familiar to the people of Bedford, Indiana and Lawrence County. Not to mention other towns and cities such as Mitchell, Paoli, Shoals, Salem, Bloomington, Seymour. As it has been said "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely"

Sounds like some of the good old boy system of Bedford, Indiana and Lawrence County. Throw in the good old boy system of Orange County, Washington County and other local counties where they make their own laws and violate the Indiana Code, applicable federal laws, and even their local laws that they don't even hold themselves accountable. Add the Indiana Open Records act being continually violated.

Guide on Battling Judicial and Government Corruption

This nice piece tells about one man's fight with judicial corruption and government corruption. Take this advice only at the advice of your lawyer and I am not a lawyer.

However, this piece gives practical and intelligent ways to fight the corruption in the system.

This one happens more than you know with judges and court officials lying on the bench and ignoring laws and oaths. Add in the family ties, nepotism, and good old boy style corruption.

Crooked Lawyers?

With some very unscruplous lawyers operating in Southern Indiana and covering their tracks while being less than honest here is a way to start contacting the State of Indiana regarding their corrupt business and legal practices.

About the Indiana Supreme Court Disciplinary Commission

About The Commission

Complaints About A Lawyer

The Disciplinary Process

Judicial Misconduct

Grievance Brochure From The Evansville Bar

 Indiana Supreme Court
Disciplinary Commission
30 S. Meridian St., Suite 850
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Executive Secretary
G. Michael Witte

Deputy Executive Secretary
Charles M. Kidd

Pho: 317.232.1807
Fax: 317.233.0261


Corrupt Public Officials.......this is one place you need to report to regarding government local corruption

Since we all know that Bedford has a serious public corruption problem as does Lawrence County and other areas of Indiana nearby such as Orange County, Martin County, and Washington County people need to step up.

If you know of government corruption in the Southern District of Indiana you should highly consider making your information known to the Prosecuting Attorney for the Southern District of Indiana for the United States Department of Justice. Since 2014, there has been an increased emphasis on governmental and public corruption in Southern Indiana and its time for the general public to step up and point out those involved in wrongdoing. I'm sure that the local good old boys and right to know media won't be providing this information for the citizens of Lawrence County to call corrupt local officials to account.

Contact information is as follows:

Contact Us

Main Office
United States Attorney's Office
10 W Market St, Suite 2100
Indianapolis, IN 46204

Voice: (317) 226-6333
Toll-Free: (888) 368-5067
TTY: (317) 226-5438
Fax: (317) 226-6125
Branch Office
United States Attorney's Office
101 NW MLK Blvd, Suite 250
Evansville, IN 47708

Voice: (812) 465-6475
TTY: (812) 465-6441
Fax: (812) 465-6444

Radius Indiana and Taxpayer Funds

It might be noted that I've been quite critical of public boards which receive taxpayer dollars for economic development. Especially when they have received taxpayer dollars for economic development that essentially comes to naught. The only thing that many of these local small town boards in places like Bedford, Salem, Paoli, Shoals and the like is giving out good well paying jobs for their employees of said organization. Which the taxpayers end up subsidizing or better yet in many cases pay the entire footing of the bill.

Yet, despite all of this money that is handed out freely by the state of Indiana and the local governments nothing of substance ever comes to fruition toward creating hundreds of good paying jobs in every community if not the thousands that are needed in places around the state of Indiana. Just another government transfer the wealth scheme is what this public private partnerships are when they receive government funding from the taxpayers and that money goes into the hands of a few well placed invididuals with the proper community connections if you get my point.

It interesting to note that our regional economic development boards and agencies have spent years and years worth of money they get from the state of Indiana yet have nothing of substance to show for their efforts other than a few dozen low wage retail and service industry jobs in most towns. No real plant expansions, no real development except for the occasional small businesses that are able to make it go in the real world.

All while these county boards and county economic growth boards only exist on paper and paying the salaries of wages of people that polish their nails on the job, read the newspaper, and do essentially nothing of real value that would make their counties and cities a marketable commodity that people and businesses would be interested in this here talks about one of our local Southern Indiana Not For Profit government assisted agencies. None other than Bedford based Radius.

Quite an interesting read and wonder how many employees are getting some big bucks for doing nothing. All at taxpayer expense as well.

An Illustration of Economic Development Misuses right here in Indiana

This story I am linking to should explain a great deal about what kind of money that the State of Indiana provides all of these economic development agencies and how much of our tax money is being flushed down the rathole. This is just what people were caught doing much less all of those agencies that money is misappropriated and wasted on frivolity. This article is a bit dated in 2014 but I think it shows the kind of corruption that happens when large sums of money are put into the hands of people with little or no accountability to the taxpayers. As in your local economic development boards and outfits that get their funding from the government bureaucracy.

Stellar Community? Bedford? REALLY?

After who knows truly how much money is spent and wasted away by the local government at a time when people aren't getting pay raises and increases in their social security benefits, jobs, business employment etc, the fine public servants of Lawrence County and Bedford are making sure that the taxpayer needs are being met.

All the while needing more money for public services such as police protection, jail expenses, new projects. Yet the community and the productive economy is largely stagnant at best as evidenced by the fact that Bedford has continually declined in population over the past few decades and very few new businesses and establishments have located in Bedford. Add in the fact that former employers like Visteon have picked up and moved out of town and plenty of other industrial and manfacturing employers have declined as well.

Yet Bedford, at a time when they are jacking up water and sewerage rates, has the money to spend on frivolous projects such as bike trails, walking trails and a old railroad depot which cost 2.7 million dollars. Which is 2.7 million dollars that could have been better spent on fixing the Bedford drug problem and other criminal issues. Or better yet for actual economic development purposes of getting and retaining high paying jobs for the local community.

Instead, the Bedford good old girls and boys club and their partners with Lawrence County and its lack of economic development leadership despite a outfit called Radius Indiana, decided to piss away more money on something that wasn't needed. Instead promoting the stupid idea of more bike paths and walking paths and little rinky dink ideas. When at a time such as this, with all of the idleness and drug issues in Lawrence County, Bedford instead needed jobs and good paying jobs at that and things that would sustain the community for generations. Not some 1899 Depot that no one gave a crap about before the last few years.

Add in the fact, that Bedford, like its Northern neighbor Bloomington is rapidly becoming a poverty stricken community with a high percentage of impoverished residents making minimum wages in service industry and poverty level jobs. Like Bloomington, Bedford leaders have eschewed manufacturing jobs and wealth creating industries instead bringing in a few jobs here and there with more retail jobs and restaurant/service jobs. Instead of building a sustainable economic backbone, they are building a town on a house of cards that will eventually collapse or continue the downward spiral of Lawrence County and Bedford.

Meanwhile, the luminaries including Mayor Shawna Girgis promote crap like the following piece of do nothing travel where the taxpayers of Bedford end up paying for her nice trip to China.

18 months since the trip and still there is no plans in the works for any businesses to go to Bedford or Mitchell for new startups. Hmmm. wonder what the hell she is doing over in China with taxpayer dollars paying for her trip and whatever entourage she took along. Meanwhile, still no announcements and no jobs being created. All the while, she should have been doing her job here and discussed real jobs being created here in the United States in Bedford, Indiana rather than flying to China so everyone can pay for her publicly funded trips.

To listen to ALL of these economic development officials, one would think there are puppies and rainbows around every corner and that Southern Indiana as well as Bedford and other surrounding counties are on the upswing. Despite the facts that are that increasingly we are losing ground in the economic empowerment of tens of thousands of our local citizens not only in Lawrence County but Orange, Martin, Washington, etc. Despite all of the glowing reports from the government funded Radius clique the truth is that our local economies are being turned into low wage serfdom and poverty stricken areas instead of economically empowering people. Which is partially the reason why drugs have taken hold of so many rural areas.

Despite all of the talk Bedford like many rural communities in Indiana could hardly be described as a Stellar Community no matter what kind of bullcrap the state government of Indiana and the local yokels want to tell all of us. Instead, they want to continue to gloss over their failures to create a high quality, high wage work environment and business incubation where good jobs grow and local people have a future. Not a community of crappy schools, jails, and drug usage through the nose. That's their idea of a stellar community because it keeps the muckety mucks at the top in control over the rest of the population and makes sure to keep their asses polishing leather chairs in their offices and private spaces. All the while they spend countless days regarding their good fortunes and making sure to talk about economic development all the while delivering nothing. Its time for We The People to start seeing through the charade and the glossy bullshit they are feeding us.

Mayor Smiley Girgis and The Cabal

It's interesting to note that a mayor who ran as an independent ends up being tied in with the local political cabal in Bedford, Indiana. But maybe not so surprisingly with all considering Lawrence County and Bedford politics over the years. Especially in a county where a sheriff went to the slammer for felonies of various sorts. These are the people that get into office across the nation because the citizens are not holding their elected representatives responsible.

Mayor Smiley Girgis comes along with her blonde hair and million dollar smile and makes sure that everyone sees her smiling at everyone. The question is that though "What has she done in the past decade that actually improved Bedford since 2008?"

While the first few years of her term was during an economic recession and perhaps even a mild depression, there should be no excuse for the lack of performance in attracting businesses, new manufacturing, job creation and other businesses that would want to expand to the Stone City. Meanwhile, if it wasn't for one or two facilities in the manufacturing realm, Bedford would be hurting even more as if it's not hurting in these days because of the loss of Visteon, GM restructuring, and the loss of other smaller businesses over the years.

Instead Bedford is trying to be like Bloomington, another Southern Indiana city, where manufacturing has been in decline for the past couple of decades if not longer while more factories from that city close up. All because the local government/political establishment wants to turn it into a town of college students/retirement communities along with the usual low paying and low education level service jobs that benefit at most the companies while the residents continue to sink into poverty.

Bloomington even with its college aged population many of whom do not have full time paying employment but instead work part time hours at these service jobs has the highest poverty rate in Indiana with maybe the exception of Gary, Indiana and inner city areas of Indianapolis. Imagine, a place where the local government discourages manufacturing and other industry from coming into their town because it clashes with the ultra liberal mindset of the local political hacks and their power brokers that control the local economy.

Bedford is steaming down that same path while eschewing manufacturing and other skilled positions. All to become another low wage community with a service based economy of a bunch of people working at restaurants/retail while manufacturing jobs and productive skilled jobs are not being created and kept in the community. Therefore, comes the drug and criminal problems that are wracking Lawrence County and much of rural Indiana. All because local government don't want skilled working people in jobs that would pay them much better wages and opportunities than the plethora of low wage service jobs.

Bedford under mayor Shawna Girgis is well on the path of making everyone equally poor in a socialistic way because of the poverty level that occurs in Bedford which is now beginning to resemble Bloomington South just in Lawrence County. Add in the fact, that things are even worse in Mitchell and points south and pretty soon we'll all be a society of equally impoverished peons and derelicts.

All the while local clowns that run the Radius Indiana organization talk about how they are bringing jobs and industry to Southwest Indiana and counties such as Lawrence, Greene, Daviess, Martin, Dubois, Orange, Crawford, Washington. Any real evidence of that with the exception of maybe NWSC Crane being a huge federal base?

It certainly isn't the case in Bedford or Mitchell despite the fact that the local Radius Indiana group that relies on donations and executive directors getting their pay, does virtually nothing as do most of the local business chambers in South Central Indiana.

The same laughable results are often bragged about with increasing pride out of these nincompoops in surround communities when they get a new big box store or some other occcasional company providing minimum wage jobs comes into the community. All the while jobs in manufacturing, automotive, electrical, electronic, and many other well paying industries won't even bother looking at Southern Indiana. While the local economic development boards and handout queens get their grants from the state and other organizations. Doing absolutely nothing to improve the community.

Add in local government corruption, water services and sewer services jacking up everyone's bills as well as local Bedford state senators having an unholy alliance with the Duke Energy monopoly of which everyone that I know has seen electrical bill increases substantially over the last 10 plus years including just the last couple of years. Just another case of a State Senator hiding behind the power company lobby to make sure they get taken care of.

That's the Lawrence County way. 

The Corrupt Good Old Boy Network of Lawrence County, Indiana and Bedford

Small towns have certain quality of life advantages over many metropolitan and larger areas and there's nothing wrong with small town life when its properly adjusted to the realities that we all face as citizens. Having lived in both a much larger city and small towns before, I've had the opportunity to live in both small towns and small cities and then of course a couple of major metro areas.

That being said, the good old boy culture in many small towns is a big problem and in places like Bedford, Indiana and Lawrence County, Indiana it crosses the line when it involves public corruption but done behind the scenes by a group of people that are often working in concert with each other to extend their favors, nepotism, and downright ripping off the public.

Lawrence County has a long history of corrupt public officials being able to get away with their public corruption and only in a fraction of cases has anyone ever been prosecuted and sent away to the slammer. From corrupt sheriffs to corrupt state government officials and even corrupt Indiana respresentatives, Lawrence County has had them all over the past few decades.

What might not be known by the mass of contituents is the blatant violations of the law and Indiana Open Door records laws where the people are kept blind to what is going on behind the scenes. Add in the known drug problems that wrack our communities in South Central Indiana and how a local group of syndicate legal eagles are involved in such activities but the truth is always kept under cover. Just as long as they can continue to receive their ill gotten gains while flooding our towns such as Bedford, Mitchell, Paoli, Salem and many others with their drugs that the criminal cabal can continue its activities.

One might say that those are damning statements being made about some of our so called community luminaries and so called leaders who we should all be looking up to. Well, the goal of this site is to make people question the police, question the judges, and question what the hell is going on in your community. These drugs didn't end up in Bedford, Mitchell, Paoli, Salem and other towns in this area because a bunch of people just decided to deal drugs in the community among the smaller time criminal class. These drugs were undoubtedly brought in and imported by the people in the know and with aims of enriching themselves while the user ends up destroying their lives and the life of their families and friends.

Wonder why all these drugs hit the United States of America in waves and how something like methamphetamines or heroin hits the streets in your local small town without nary a peep of who is importing such drugs. This isn't some small time dealer bringing in the garbage from Mexico, Burma, Afghanistan, Colombia or one of the other drug spots in the world where heroin, meth, cocaine and other drugs are readily produced.

Opium has been around as long as poppy fields have been cultivated around the world even in China, SE Asia, Afghanistan, etc. However, only in the last 40 to 50 years has it ever shown up in the United States and it was imported in back in the 60s and 70s by crooked government agents, Air America, and other underhanded and crooked outfits.

The same goes for Meth though it has much in the way of domestically produced trash that people are involved in and get hooked on. The good old boy politicians talk about getting rid of the drug problem but the truth is that they profit from the system of drug distribution, the prison industrial complex, and hiring excessive numbers of police officers, sheriffs deputies, jailers, administration, judges, and the like. It keeps people employed by the system and justifies having a huge tax base to fund their jails and new projects which helps the local sheriff and police chief shine their office chair with their overinflated ego and equally large rear end.

Its been well known that the local drug syndicate has been located in towns such as Bedford etc over the past several decades at least back to the eighties and nineties. Despite millions to tens of milliions of dollars of busts, hundreds of convictions, jail time, drug intervention programs, it continues to be a huge problem. Not just because people decide to abuse drugs but because for the pushers and those turning their heads its a lucrative and enterprise where the good old boys can make extra money.

Add in their dependence on state and government grants reaching into the tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands a year, they wouldn't want all of that money to just go away. Otherwise, the system would be even more strapped where the law enforcement could actually about prosecuting real crimes such as domestic violence, theft, burglary, murders. Even to the point they might actually get serious about busting known politicians and legal eagles in the system.

After all, how many times has a past sheriff in Lawrence County ended up having to leave office in disgrace because of criminal activity under his watch. Much less people ending up behind bars for their criminal behavior. Its time to start policing the police and policing the system including all of the crooked fake Christian small town good old boys.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

More of the Corporate Screwing of America with Governmental Help

When one works at a dangerous and often risky job to put food on the table, one has to sometimes endure conditions that would cause them injury to be potentially hurt on the job. While the company reaps profits for the work from the laborer doing the physical and often damaging work, the employee will end up on workers compensation. This nice piece tells how Indiana being in the race to the bottom and how they are working to screw the people that are doing the grunt work in society that the well polished professional butt kissers refuse to do. All the while trying to cut away and chip away at the benefits and Workman's Compensation for people that actually work for a living so big business and government can be in an unholy alliance of fascism and government sponsored corruption. Think your local officials and state government crooks have your best interests in mind? Think again.

Submit it To Wish 8 TV Indianapolis

This is a link to WISH 8 TV Indianapolis regarding news stories that you could post about Lawrence County, Indiana and Bedford, Indiana regarding corrupt practices in local government. Included is WISH TV along with other Indianapolis TV Stations because local events need to be exposed and the local media and local right to know media isn't doing its job as usual.

Indiana Government Budget Corruption

Interesting how Indiana talks about being financially transparent with the rainy day fund. Yet localities in Indiana are lacking money to fix locally taxed property and fix their local county projects such as local roads and bridges. Lawrence County is no exception to this with one commissioner stating that the county had no money for snow removal in a previous winter. Not to mention the county didn't have the funding nor the money to fix area county and local roads. Which is a prime function of government. Although they did have the money to provide more officers and more money for the local police department and sheriff department.

Always seems that they have money to help out the people who are protecting their asses from ever being brought to jail and prosecuted for their crimes against the citizenry. Not to mention all of the drugs and heroin/meth that is regularly being found in Lawrence County that was more than likely known about for years and brought into Lawrence County with the assistance of some highly placed prominent people in the community.

Wonder why Lawrence County is overrun by meth and heroin? Because the powers that be wish it that way because its more money for the law enforcement community, bigger jails for the inmates in charge to run while they run roughshod over the local community. These officials are not public servants in the slightest but are nothing more than vampires feasting off the blood of the taxpayers and the public which pays their salaries, court costs, and other government funded shakedowns of the taxpayers.

WISH 8 has a nice article here for some of the counties of Central Indiana. I am sure they would like information about Bedford, Indiana and Lawrence County sent to their news department. I think it would make a great story to start cracking down on public corruption in Lawrence County but also other neighboring counties such as Orange, Martin, Washington, Greene, etc.

Police Corruption Lake County

Wonder when they'll start turning their eyes to the public corruption happening in counties in Southern Indiana and not only Bedford and Lawrence County but also Orange and Washington counties where corrupt law enforcement officials and corrupt judges hold sway. Its time to start cleaning the chicken coop out.

State Senator Eric Koch

This nice article from the Chicago Tribune talks about the attempt by Indiana State Representatives to cover their public dealings by preventing the public from knowing about their public business and their attempts at hiding behind the law to in order to violate the Indiana Public Records law which requires government officials to freely respond to requests for said public records. State Senator from Bedford, Indiana one Eric Koch sponsored a bill to help out his oil and gas buddies and of course his corporate masters. Instead of doing right by the taxpayers and ratepayers for Duke Energy, he's tied in with them and in their back pocket. Imagine another bought and paid for public servant?

The Screwing of the Elderly, Middle Class and the Poor

What the powers that be in Congress and the Presidency continue to tell us is that job creators need more tax breaks for their businesses to survive and thrive. All the while real wages have declined for the past 20 years for most Americans and there more poverty, less stability, worse jobs, and more financial hardship for most American than there has been for decades back to the times of the Great Depression. To argue otherwise is foolish because when one sees the economic morass and mess left behind from years of the corporatization of America one should see the damage that was done by vast enterprises of business moving their operations to foreign shores not because of taxes. Yet they moved businesses such as Visteon, Whirpool, Rexnord, Carrier out of the state of Indiana not because of taxes. But because they needed cheap labor and paying someone 20 to 25 dollars an hour is way too much for their corporate masters when they can pay a Mexican wage slave 2 or 3 dollars an hour. That's the real story they aren't bothering to tell you and nor do your government officials have the balls and human decency to actually say anything about it. Other than false promises by Donald Trump that he was going to make America great once again. All for the economic race to the bottom supported by the Republican Party and those in corporate America that want to capitalize on low wage labor.

Corporate/Governmental Censorship and Despotism

Great piece about how government and their corporate masters wish to control all of us via the control of information. No different than regimes in Russia, China, North Korea, Vietnam, and other model communist states. They may have embraced certain aspects of state capitalism but down deep they are monopolists and no different than a corporation ran as a monopoly ie. water companies, power companies, etc.

The Buying and Selling of the Indiana State Senate and House Representatives

Do you ever wonder why Indiana regularly ends up being one of the worst polluting states with some of the worst environmental rankings as a state even though its only a state of 6.5 million people? Here's some nice background information regarding the corrupt dealings of the State Legislature and Indiana State Government including our wonderful Christian ex-Governor Mike Pence and now of course after palms were greased and corrupt practices ended up being the United States Vice President. Kudos for the Muncie Voice for pointing out this corruption of the Indiana government and resulting issues that affect all of us whether you vote Democrat, Republican, Libertarian or none of the above. More proof that Indiana is a bought and paid for state government.

Corporate Corruption

Wonder how much corporate corruption has been allowed by government officials in Bedford, Indiana with regard to industrial pollution and other negative aspects of manufacturing? Wonder why cancer rates are higher in Bloomington and Bedford than many places in Indiana?

Indiana: A Lack of Governmental Integrity

Indiana again proves that it ranks near the bottom of government integrity but what can one expect when we've largely had decades of corrupt one party rule not that the other party is any better. They are both as equally incompetent but as corrupt as you can just about get. 

This article from the Center For Public Integrity has some very good information in it about the corrupt clowns that rule our state from Indianapolis and of course with the various State Senators and State Representatives who are nothing more than bought and paid for corporate shills and lackeys.

Bedford Indiana: The Local Syndicate

In Bedford, Indiana and Lawrence County, Indiana the truth is regularly suppressed by the local right to know media companies including those on AM/FM radio and the other local news sources. In other words they don't want to tick off the powers that be in the Bedford Mafia that runs the local community and controls the police and judicial branches of government. This little You Tube video by a local Bedford resident says a lot about the local Bedford criminal class that hides behind the color of law and in their darkness violates the rights of the citizenry as well as conducts their criminal work. It says a lot about the good old boy syndicate network in Lawrence County.

Ever wonder why Bedford Indiana is a declining community with a population growth that is stagnating and even going negative from 2010 to 2016. This is probably part of it along with the lack of economic opportunity, crappy low wage jobs, and a public servant mentality that the people owe the government something. Its time for the people to retake their local governments and with that we can all work together to retake our nation.

The Incompetent Lawrence County Commissioners and Council

Lawrence County and Bedford lack a strategic vision for the future and like many small towns in Indiana seems to have no real vision for the future and what they will become as a community and a small city. Instead, they wish to become a bedroom community for a larger city such as Bloomington where half its population will have to leave their home just to find a job in Bloomington or even Seymour, etc. All because the morons and incompetents that run Lawrence County have did little to nothing regarding economic development over the last 20 years or so.

Instead, they thought that they would keep Bedford the same forever with the same small town mentality and keeping the two main automotive plants running and that would fix the employment problem and find something for people to do in a productive manner.

Sadly, they have failed and most of them are failures because they have no vision of where Bedford can go as a community despite the fact that its only 20 miles to the Interstate system via I 69 now that it is going to be very easy to get to Bloomington via State Road 37.

Instead of capitalizing on such proximity to the Interstate Highway System, they've chosen to sit on their laurels for the past 10 years since I 69 was announced and do absolutely nothing. Other than the minor Mickey Mouse outfit that has opened up in Bedrock over the years there hasn't been much in the way of economic progress.

Despite the formation of Radius Indiana in 2009 to serve as a catalyst for economic development and economic growth in the eight county region surrounding Lawrence County, there has been little to no economic and productive development of any major sort in many years. Those counties are as follows Crawford, Daviess, Dubois, Greene, Lawrence, Martin, Orange and Washington.

After nearly a decade of being involved in their so called economic development plans, there hasn't been much in the way of economic progress and economic development in those counties. If anything, its more low wage jobs and more low wage employers which they take great pride in. If it wasn't for outfits such as NSWC Crane and GM Powertrain as well as Jasper and its large employers, they haven't done much of anything in any of these counties. Only to keep certain people employed with government grants to justify their own jobs and keep the government sponsored gravy train coming. All the while the job and economic creation has been nil or even in many cases plants closing in this region and moving.

In the case of Bedford, they've had years to attract new factories and new manufacturing to take over existing manufacturing facilities and have failed at doing so. How about new plants and new growth industries in the pharma industry or technology. Nope, they haven't did much of anything there either.

Where this ties into Lawrence County is that Lawrence County and the cities of Bedford and Mitchell should be doing their job and finding ways to attract employers and help out homegrown companies in expanding their economic presence and value. Outside of a few low wage service industry jobs making fast food and low wage service jobs, they've did absolutely nothing except talk out of both sides of their mouth.

The Lawrence County Council and Commissioners should be held responsible as well for their lack of action except for turning Lawrence County and Bedford and Mitchell into retirement communities. While the young finally figure out such and they decide to haul ass to the next best location because they know there aren't many opportunities for them in South Central Indiana. The interesting thing is that while Bedford has stagnated over the last generation and 20 to 30 years, Bloomington increased its population from 52,000 in 1980 to over 81,000 today and its county has increased in population from 98,000 in 1980 to over 145,000 in 2016.

Wonder why the Lawrence County hayseeds in office can't do their job and create the type of decent community that everyone with any sense really wants? Is it because you have corrupt politicians who are more interested in polishing the seats of their office rather than getting up and do their job.

Oh and another great item is to hear incompetent public officials complain that they don't have enough money to repair roads and basic infrastructure nor to provide government services such as snow removal and brine/cinders for read clearance during the winter months. Yet, they've got plenty of money to give more money to the cops or the county sheriff while the roadways in the county are falling apart and basic infrastructure is being totally neglected.

Where's the right to know Bedford newspapers and Bedford media on these issues? Instead they're trying to cover for the corrupt politicians and good old boy network which relies on keeping the people ignorant of their poverty and ignorant of what is really going on behind the scenes in their community.

Bedford Sucks

Yes, you've read it here already even if it has been slowly creeping into your mind over the past few years. Bedford at one time was a bustling small city of 13,000 people in South Central Indiana with a county wide population of 45,000 in Lawrence County, Indiana. At one time Bedford had a nice downtown with plenty of stores and shopping amenities including a small mall and shopping area on West 16th Street also known as Indiana 450.

Within a lifetime Bedford has been transformed into a collapsing community which is full of drug, drug dealers, crooked cops and crooked public officials.

These public officials rather than promoting the city and promoting economic prosperity have been interested in keeping Bedford in their own image of making sure it remains a place ran by their own little good old boy clique.

Even the current mayor and council has remained a total joke even though Bedford has had the same mayor for the better part of the last decade and the economy has been out of recession for several years. But instead of promoting the community and bringing in new businesses and retaining existing business, Bedford chooses to spend its money on wasteful government projects that really do nothing to promote the general welfare of the citizens.

Not to mention the city being worried about an old man with signs being one Sam Shaw, a longtime Bedford resident that has been harassed by the Bedford powers that be regarding his signs that are politically incorrect and obviously embarrassing to the crooks and criminals running Lawrence County.

Instead of improving the community economically and getting better paying jobs and opportunities for the people of the locality, they are more interested in retaining the control of the local good old boy network and people that are politicians and professional butt polishers with their lying lips.

All the while they smile and talk about the great jobs they are doing and how they are improving the community while more jobs leave the area and what jobs they have are low paying jobs in the services and retail industries which are also declining.

Just see how much Bedford has declined over the years and with the businesses that have left the city. Add in the fact that Visteon left years ago and nothing really substantial replaced that once booming plant. Add in the fact that GM Powertrain is now a fraction of what it once was and yet still Bedford decides to be a retirement community rather than a community desiring prosperity. That's the Lwrence County they wish for. Not one of prosperity but one where the city is wracked by drug usage, drug dealing and criminality.

After all, its a Bedford growth industry to have drug dealers and drug abusers along with all kinds of criminal behavior because it keeps the police in Bedford and the Lawrence County good ole boy system employed. Otherwise, they would have to start looking for other jobs in the productive sector instead of needing to add more cops and police patrols to keep the lowlifes and societal trash in line.

Bedford is too busy chasing down little old men that put up politically correct signs in their community that break some obscure and inane law proposed by a city council that polishes the ass of the current executive in the mayor's office.

Instead of promoting community development and job creation with new factories, pharmaceutical and health industries, they are promoting poverty and drug usage with their lack of jobs and economic creation.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Bedford Indiana Sucks

Welcome to Bedford Sucks, your local source for knowing about the corruption of Lawrence County, Indiana and the suckiness that exists in Lawrence County including public corruption, drug addled losers and how the community at large is being turned into a total cesspool. Other information will be to expose crooked public officials and a system that is meant to keep the ordinary citizen down and keep them in place.